Many small and middle market companies, and virtually all large enterprises use “intelligent” software to screen resumes, search publicly available information, social media postings and Internet histories to compile profiles of potential job candidates. Best Practices for HR software use currently include: Retaining a third party HR firm to screen ethnic, sex, age, disability, religious… Read more »
Recent Mike Cowie Articles
Blockchain Technology – Smart Contracts
April 12, 2016 – Technology
Blockchain is best known as the technology which underlies the virtual currency, bitcoin. But Blockchain, a distributed database ledger, has potential applications well beyond virtual currencies. Blockchain technology may be thought of as a type of operating system for transactions carried out over the internet. It is a means for storing, tracking, trading and verifying… Read more »
Franchisors, Franchisees Take Note! NLRB: Beware Positive Attitudes in the Workplace…
April 3, 2016 – Franchise
Over the past several years the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB or Board) has taken an increasingly aggressive position against company employee handbook rules that the Board thinks may be seen by employees as restricting their union organizing and labor dispute rights under Section 7 of the National Labor Act (NLRA or Act). Under the NLRB’s… Read more »
House Passes The Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016; Set to Become Law
March 20, 2016 – Business, Technology
On April 27, 2016, the U.S. House of Representatives passed The Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016 (DTSA or Act) 1 which will create a federal civil remedy for stealing trade secrets, such as manufacturing processes and computer software. The Senate previously approved the measure which will now go to President Obama for signing into… Read more »
“Modernizing” Sec Disclosure – More Transparency, Accountability?
March 10, 2016 – Securities
Transparency The Securities and Exchange Commission recently published a lengthy “Concept Release”1 asking for public comment about whether the business and financial disclosures required in periodic reports and registration statements by Regulation S-K continue to provide meaningful information to investors. The Release is part of the SEC’s response to JOBS Act’s directive that the Commission… Read more »
Business Purchase – Sale Agreements: Allocating Risks Between Seller and Buyer
March 1, 2016 – Business
Buyers want to minimize purchase price and risks. Sellers want to maximize sales price and shift risks to Buyers.
Proposed Federal Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016
February 18, 2016 – Technology
Historically in the U.S., trade secrets have generally been protected by state law under each state’s version of the Uniform Trade Secrets Act (UTSA). The UTSA was published in 1979 in an effort to provide a unified legal framework for protecting trade secrets. A trade secret is a non-public or confidential information which is protected… Read more »
SEC Urged to Make it Easier for Small Companies to Use “Finders” to Raise Capital
January 26, 2016 – Business, Securities
Small businesses seeking to raise capital in private offerings using “finders”, and firms brokering M&A deals involving private companies have faced the risk that transactions could be unwound (“rescinded”1), sometimes years later, because of the involvement of “unregistered brokers” in the transactions. Finders In a September 23, 2015 letter2 to the SEC, its Advisory Committee… Read more »
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Tevislaw has high standards, a commitment to excellence and a passion for helping clients succeed. Our commitment to serving client needs has resulted in enduring relationships and a record of high achievement. The consistently high quality and efficacy of our work across a range of practices has been recognized. We are committed to achieving innovative and business minded results for our clients for competitive fees. This is Tevislaw.